Please read the instructions before booking make-up classes...
- Make-up classes are only for clients currently booked into a class block.
- Please be courteous and advise Twist & Bliss Yoga at as soon as you know you will miss a class so spaces can be opened for others awaiting make-up classes.
- Make-up classes can only be booked within the same term as the missed class and are never carried over to a new term/block.
- You may schedule your make-up class to occur before or after your missed class. So it might occur before you go on holiday or after you have been ill.
- Your make-up class does not have be for the same level you normally attend. It might be a chance to slow down or to take a peek into classes a level up.
- Make-up classes are free to book for current clients booked into a block and are on the honour system.
IMPORTANT: Use the Log In link below to login to your Bookwhen account in order to access make-up classes. If your name shows below than you are already logged into your account.